Saturday, 24 March 2012

a clear view

the windows in the extension were put into positions in January but we've had problems along the way and now it looks as if some of them will have to be removed.

As you can see the large french doors do not line up with the side windows. Purely a cosmetic consideration but more importantly we can't lock the doors.  We have had lots of men coming to take a view - the rep from the building suppliers came and took photographs, next the rep from the window company arrived and made notes. It seems they will fight out amongst themselves just who is at fault but whatever is decided we will be getting new windows.

Upstairs on the landing we will be following our planning guidelines and fitting obscured glazed windows. We had originally thought about having some sort of stained glass effect here but after talks with the planning department we are going with more of an etched glass look.  Yet again there have been hiccups here as it has taken quite some time for the Mr and Mrs Follies to agree on a design. We now have to see how this design is interpreted in real life and then send it for approval to the planning department.  Hopefully they will agree and we will have a clearer view of our completion date.
I love this view of the various rooftops along our short terrace.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

catching up

an electrical disaster with the computer lead left me without means to charge my laptop. I wasn't too upset with the inconvenience whilst waiting for the new lead as with Mr Folly heavily into IT and 2 teenage follies with laptops I thought I would get plenty of opportunity to read e-mails and update my blog.  However, my alloted timeslot was minimal and once the necessities of banking, reading school newsletters and organising shopping deliveries were dealt with I found my screen time over and the loaned laptop whisked away.

Eventually the new electrical lead arrived and I did manage a little blog reading but all opportunities for taking photos and writing have been quickly obliterated as things are moving fast with the extension. Each night we have to make more decisions than we ever realised possible. Having chosen our internal doors we then had to choose hinges and door handles.  Even now I'm not really sure of the appropriate criteria for hinge choosing. My current night-time reading consists of catalogues and more catalogues though surely this must change soon. 

  • The bathroom is all chosen now.
  • We are trying out carpet samples for the bedroom - all the follies line up in their bare feet and have to approve the texture as well as colour. 
  • Plastering and painting are ongoing with heaters running overnight to encourage the drying process.
  • We are still considering the possibility of a butler sink in the utility room.
  • The walls of the pantry have gone up.
  • The picture rail has been ruled out and skirting boards lie across the floor ready for fixing.
Tomorrow Mr Folly leaves the country for 10 days and I am unsure whether this is going to make things easier for decision making or more complicated, but I'll be sure to let you know.

Monday, 19 March 2012

a mothers day

homemade wrapping paper

Here in the UK Mothering Sunday is always celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent. This means that when Easter falls in March then Mother's Day can be most wintry. Yesterday was a gorgeous spring day in Hampshire with periods of bright sunshine so the Follies spent a relaxed day at home.

The Follies have a limited budget when it comes to present buying so it is always interesting to see how they spend their resources. They are very skeptical about my desire for the homemade as I don't think that would come high on their own list.

card made by Folly 4

Folly 1 decided not to spend any money but to give up her time instead and so ploughed her way through the ironing pile (I'm not sure that she realised just how high the mountain was before she made her offer).

Follies 2 and 3 gave me some luxury alongside the much needed item of handcream, whilst Folly 4 managed to wangle some free testers to supplement her floral gift.

Our day involved time at home with a family meal, phonecalls to mums far away, walks and cake decorating before beginning the Sunday evening routine.  Hope mums near and far had an equally calm Sunday whether celebrating Mothering Sunday or not!