so whilst the rest of the country strategically places the sandbags and hopes the flood defences spring into action we follies join a boating group sailing across the solent for lunch!
This was the first time the family joined Mr Folly on a powerboat and let's just say the boy racer got the better of him!
We don't all have the wet weather gear as yet but by borrowing and using a tarpaulin we thought we might manage to keep dry. Not a bit!
We set off from Hamble just before 10am and arrived in Cowes an hour and 20 minutes later. It is the only time I have ever entered a pub to be asked whether I would like to have my clothes tumble dried. I can certainly recommend the service at The Folly Inn.
Unfortunately Folly 1 couldn't get the time off work and so was unable to join us, but the 3 Follies have been regaling her with tales of our adventure.
Based on the family response to a wet day on the water I think there will be many more days afloat for the Follies.
another month speeding by...
here at the follies we celebrated hallow'een with dressing up, pumpkins,decorations and a trick or treat village tour. It seems to be one of the few times when all the children of the village venture outside at the same time (the other being with the appearance of any snow). The girls gained a good haul of treats and i'm giving them the positive motivator of a little extra money if they can make the sweets last until the end of November. So far they are doing very well though I do have to hide their bags of goodies as they are convinced Mr Folly is dipping in!
Folly 1 has taken part in her guy fawkes celebrations in the nearby city. It sounded quite the event with the fireworks choreographed to music. The rest of us are off to an organised event tonight. The family is certainly growing up as for the first year no-one has requested sparklers.
We are all back into routine after the half term break and preparations for Christmas are apace:
- Folly 2 is superorganised and has much of her Christmas shopping done
- I have joined the school PTA Christmas Fayre committee
- Mr F has been requested to make an appearance as a much loved Christmas personage (and no I don't mean the Angel Gabriel)
- I am busy crafting for a WI stall at the village Christmas Fayre
- Christmas boxes for Operation Christmas Child have been assembled
- One Christmas cake is made though I am still unsure as to whether it is too 'well done'.
Sunday will see Folly 4 take part in a Remembrance Day ceremony. She will be joining in this year as a Girl Guideand has been asked to a reading. This is causing a little worry as she is hesitant when she reaches the word 'semaphore'. And how that fits into a Remembrance Service I will leave to the imagination.