Thursday 16 August 2012

another 25 year celebration

it was back in the season of long dark nights and cold days that we received an invitation to a summer silver wedding celebration. Just a few weekends ago on a dry and warm evening we attended the 25th wedding anniversary party of our friends.  We met these friends some years before we moved away from the city and found similarities in our lives, having lived far away from home bringing up 4 children.

It was lovely to have been invited to celebrate a special wedding anniversary and it was an evening of surprises. We did not realise just how many friends we had in common and met couples we had not seen for some time and now had an opportunity to catch up.

When the young couple married in Manila only the family of the bride were present so this celebration was the reception in England for the groom.  The celebrations were held in a marquee in the garden with speeches of appreciation and love by the children of the couple.

An evening of eating, reminscing and dancing - thank you John and Amy.

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